Working poor peoples Guyana will demand a share of the oilThe rising prices of food, according to the FAO, is driven by several factors. Majorly, price increases have been attributed to higher price levels of internationally traded food commodities and a threefold increase in freight costs. For developing countries, the FAO has warned they rapidly rising prices of food commodities and energy pose significant challenges for poorer countries and consumers, who spend large shares of their incomes on these basic necessities. Though reamining a major agricultural producing country we in Guyana have not been spared. Increases in the cost of imported food items as well as imported agricultural inputs have contributed to the massive jump in food prices. The increases have largely been blamed on global supply chain constraints, which have driven up shipping costs while lengthening shipping times, contributing at times to shortages. For its part, the Government has sought to take proactive steps to alleviate the burdens faced by the populace. In this regard, imports were being assessed at pre-pandemic shipping rates to reduce taxes payable and curtail increases at the shelves. While good intentioned, arguably, it has not translated to any meaningful reduction in prices. In as much as there are price increases which may be out of control, the Government support, amounting to billions of dollars lost to the treasury, has not benefitted the ordinary Guyanese. Today, the Guyanese working people continue to confront escalating prices for many important commodities. Prices for important and essential items, in some instances, have more than doubled, and there is hardly any commodity which has seen any reduction in price. It appears that some in the business community, while benefitting from the Government’s largesse, continue to extract profits and super profits from our working people. It is an unfair situation to both the Government and ordinary Guyanese. There is obviously a need to relook at the current policy with a view to providing greater direct support to the working people.