long termThis is not a horse race, this is a company with a very good future, and a very good product and patents. Stock prices go up and they go down. Buy low sell high, that’s how the markets work. Some of the biggest multi billion dollar companies in the world are buying this product, these big companies don’t just buy things without doing a very good due diligence so that they don’t lower there stock value, and since they are buying our product , it tells me that we have the best product on the market. I remember when AMAZON, INTEL E-BAY, MICROSOFT, and many more were just starting out, and were trading for pennies, they had there ups and downs but the ones that hung on became multi millionaire. In 4 to 5 years you might be saying, I should have bought more, and in ten years you might hear them talking about Nextech AR Solutions in the same sentence with AMAZON, INTEL, E-BAY, MICROSOFT. Don’t pay any attention to the day traders or shorts, they are just out to make a fast dollar, the ones that stayed for the long term were the ones who became millionaires. Nextech AR Solutions right now looks the same as, AMAZON, INTEL E-BAY, MICROSOFT, when they first started out. Opportunities like this don’t come around too often , when they do you have to jump on then and hang on for the long term.