Several hundred million dollars $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Perhaps even more exciting, our new business development efforts have grown dramatically, with a pipeline of pitched projects within the aluminum business line alone now over several hundred million dollars.
2022 continues to build on the foundation set by the previous two years. With the successful execution and delivery of the backlog of signed contracts, the benefit of the biogas upgrading projects from Pyro Green-Gas, and exploding interest across seemingly every aspect of the aluminum industry, 2022 is scaling up to be another great year for the company.
The board and I see continued production and sales success in the months ahead; as our iron ore pelletization torches enter into on-site client install and testing, 3D powder qualification with the global aerospace company moves to the finish line, and some of our potential aluminum projects in negotiations reach a signing point, we expect the backlog to race past the $50MM mark and beyond,” concluded Mr. Pascali.