GREY:CHALF - Post by User
Post by
markgreenon May 19, 2022 11:33am
Post# 34695471
HOW CROOKED CAN THEY GET?We know that no financial report was presented, a late filing, or none filing of the annual financial statements, we know that a new debt was created and all the liquidity was inputted in a new acquisition AGAIN, for more stores and a new platform, then IROCC stopped it all and we presume..(or hope) that they are investigating the misconduct of the administrators/owners/directors/founders and debtors (being all the same people) that took place over the years. It's a big mess and i doubt that we can recuperate, but miracles can happen. It's a Canadian public venture company that was emptied with acquisitions by American interests in multiple private companies in Portland Oregon. The debt is uncontrollable and only interest are paid regularly to the same people mentioned earlier that are our debtors. There, that's about what we know and the case.