Then I Started Following David Hunter On TwitterHe keeps saying the melt up is ready to begin, and every time he says that the market drops 25%. Then he says we are at the inflection point.
Steve Suggerud is another one talking about the melt up. Stansberry Research would hold these online briefings and they would pump these different stocks, and they would blame subscribers for pickng the more speculative picks.
The latest from Stansberry Research is some club you can pay $10000 to join by May 31st. You better hurry because after May 31st the price goes up to $25000. You get all of these different newsletters included. One of them is Casey's International Speculator a $4000 value. Casey started that nonsense back in 2008 or so with his Casey Club, and then over time half of the offeringsdisappear, and the editors of his various publications quit and start their own newsletter.
The action the last couple of weeks has been unnerving. I like Gareth Soloway. He is a staight technical analyst who basically plays the charts for short term profits. Even he can get things wrong too.
Brent Johnson says a well balanced portfolio should never be all green or all red on any given day.