RE:Federal Reserve is a privately owned BankBank of Canada, 100% Cdn govt owned. Bank of England, 100 % U.K. govt owned. Sveriges Riksbank, 100% owned by Swedish Govt. Schweizerische ( Swiss ) National Bank, 59 % owned by Cantons ( states ), 18% by Cantonal owned banks, 22% by private shareholders (of which 2.96% is foreign owned).
And your main concern Warthog, the Fed, the U.S Central Bank, while officially 'privately' owned, that is misleading, only true in that it is not directly owned by the U.S. or state is not beneficially owned, or controlled, by private interests. Suggest you read:
Be interested in your response.
As to the banks you mentioned as ' top 8 shareholders of fed ', 3 of them haven't existed for years, three would not be eligible, and Chase Manhatten and GS, while large, are still far smaller than Bank of America, Wells Fargo and Citigroup.