We're in the zone
more and more people are speaking highly of pyr & hpq ....It took them by suprise when they realized how many applications there are for the QRR & NISR powders & Si metal...and of course the sheer volume of each market....As if that's not enough to make a blue chip company , the AM division is shipping nano spherical powders to another multi billion dollar market....what else do you want ? ....how about a Billion + dollar iron ore pellatization torch sale ?...or the next drosrite contract that I'm pegging @ $400mm ....maybe the first aluminum torch sale, a coffee & donuts deal...Peter has 6 more markets at least....that his tech will dominate hands down ...A couple of big NR's are going to make my predictions come true (again)...I'm pretty sure we are getting big news at least 4 times this year...minimum....We are blue chip material & with that comes a $100+ a share and it could be much more depending on how many $ billions in sales...in the next few months....$2-$4-$6 billion ?..more ?.... uncleron is always right !..cheers...