OptGreen wrote: I swear this has to kindergarten....sorry there drag but it is clear you still don;t have a sniff either, the SP has little to nothing to do with Canopy, other than sector, for a start so why would iI 'be on the ropes'? Canopy is in the right sector for growth and it is the best positioned for growth as the sector 'grows' into it's own and the NA marketplace can be righted again allowing it's economies, mainly stateside, to gain back their depth/ strength.
You have to follow the Biden path of destruction across the board to date and it is abundantly clear, with regard to the why and the how....none of this loss today,as well as most other red days have anything to do with the true value of the company....the sector is in it's infancy and all need to prove their worth to survive. Canopy is right on track to be well positioned as reasonable and more favourable laws are put in place in the US. Don't tell anyone but Canopy is adding assets as SPs across the sector are red more days than not.
We will hear how close we are with FQ4/22 and FY2022 reports and even if a bit softer than expected as the sector is being frozen out due to Biden's partnership with the cartels and China's fentanyl, a cornerstone in the collapse and ruin of democracy and NA if not brought into check by the adults. The illegal drugs and aliens will destroy our societies in NA, just as Biden's handlers have planned, set in place to date and are allowed to continue....first to try to correct via legal means and actions and if not successful civil war, as we collectively become as braindead as the crud. Then it is game, set, match and Lord help our kids and grand kids.
The correction is picking up though...Hillary's hand in the illegal of several areas is getting more sunlight by the day, with her lawyer Sussmann caught now by Durham ...an illegal alien Biden fast tracked through into the country was arrested today for the planned assassination of G W Bush to name a few. No I am not worried about Canopy drag, I am just worried about the world it operates in. JMHO...Opt
dragshot wrote: You always know when Opt is on the ropes which by BTW is pretty much everyday. Spouting his conspiracy bullshite about the election and blaming the Dems for Canopy's screw-ups. Great things were going to happen to WEED when Canada legalized MJ and then nothing but crickets. Hmm! What makes you think things are going to be any different? It won't make two hoots who's in power. Canopy just cannot get their act together. They're too greedy and priced themselves out of the market. And if they happen on a decent plan, it'll just be too late. America is already flooded with safe, cheap and great tasting drug which will soon be just as legal. Who's going to pay more for the same thing? Me... said no one ever.