RE:Just a little news but of what’s happening in Canada Very interesting Krammer....I've heard that just as fast as electronic vehicles have become popular, they will be rendered absolete with hydrogen/fuel cells. As I understand it, (at least in the US) our grids could never support EVs as a primary vehicles (remember that that electricity is probably mainly coming from Natural gas) and with that type of energy conversion it far more efficient to simply run a direct hydrogen energy source and stations. I've also read that the Earth would be depleted of its copper, nickel and cobalt if EVs were dominant.
Something to note...the big three do have EVs but they are limited- one or two models. It's speculated that they're sticking with their engines, ready to modify their cars to Hydrogen....Let's see how it pans out.
I personally have a EV...Love it, except it only goes about 100 miles. If I have serious driving, I drive my wife's SUV- pricey as hell to drive.