MTS NOOBS REMEMBER @30 EACH NEW INCREMENT OF 10'S IS A CHANGING of the guards!! So, be patient, it is the nature of the beast for some reason to always set the buys and the sells on the increment of 10 bang on.
So, there is always a doji, sideway trading pattern when the sp is swimming up stream crossing over the next increment of 10's like salmon spawning upstream.
Tiny float this morning....teading was on 67k volume...there was a .06 cent uptick and 25% green gain!! That is how a tightly held, tiny float reacts when momentum is in our favour.
WE have all endured the same reaction on the way down.
Hope many grabbed a few while we were bottom diving with the rest of the market.
KK sloow and steady is going to be the pattern licking around that @30 jar up and down and all around it!! Do not forget bots & algorithms and set sell orders are in play as we move up!
Dang we still got 3 HOURS OF TRADING!! kaboom ya I'm skipping with a happy step here sheesh its our turn!! Where is silver?? lol