I'm long on $RHC Getting caught up on the recent Royal Helium ($RHC.v $RHCCF) news and came across this great interview with Davidson from Strategic Investment Insights:
Davidson gives an insightful overview of the helium industry and why helium is considered a critical mineral as well as provides an update on $RHC. $RHC is working on the last two steps before they're cash flow positive and are expecting initial production to begin around Q4 of 2022 or Q1 2023. Notably, helium is at about US$500 per mcf of helium which makes all of $RHC's wells heavily economic with a payback period of 3-6 months once production starts.
Would recommend checking it out if you haven't already as I couldn't find it on this board (but I apologize if it's been posted before and I just missed it)