Questions for Brian Ector...I am working on it !!! Do you have one !?
Let me know, so I can add it to my email from the Baytex bullboards community.
Here's mine on % barrel with price coverage !
In Q1 2022 production reach 80,867 boe/d with 41% of it with a hedged price.
Approx. 33 155 bbl/d hedged and 47 712 bbl/d unhedged
If, I add the new production for Clearwater in Q2 for 8,000 bbl/d unhedged is that means that % of hedged barrel decrease...
With a forecast of 84,000 boe/d for Q2 !
Is that means that unhedged barrel are now at :
47 712 + 8,000 === 55 712 bbl/d. 66,3% unhedged
And hedged barrel at (84 000 - 55 712) === 28 288 barrels. 33,7% hedged.
My hypothesis is that we have no decline on unhedged barrel, or Baytex decrease only hedged barrel to added Clearwater barrels...
At the end the questions is ...
With the increase of Clearwater barrels is that means that Baytex reduce the % of hedged barrels for the year !?
BSW or ResearchSeeker or 2021 Gamble or any another longs her, let me know you're understanding of this... May be i will save the precious time of Mr. Ector ! He's a nice guy !
Thank's !