Who or What Person is stopping CRE?????????Fact: The CRE Corporate Management has a duty and responsibility to provide a competent Management team including a skilled CEO with the skills needed to obtain financing, a reliable accounting of the assets of the corporation, a skilled liason to handle Government obligations, above all a skilled PR team as well as a reliable liason to update shareholders on the (lawfully permitted) status of the corporation. All of us have not been provided with a resolution to the endlessly foot dragging on the expected fruition of the Corporation. Remember we can fault Comex and any other entity for the failure of our Management to deliver the goods for us all but our Corporation Management is the responsible party, they are ultimately responsible for the present quagmire. I suggest that each and every one of us, (to the best our our ablilties) engage in a professional, polite project by contacting each and every executive of CRE. Do it every single day or a as often as you can. Ask them to deliver for their sharelholders or whatever is pertinent such as WHO is stopping the forward progress? Because there is no other reason for this failure to deliver for the shareholders. Someone knows what is going on and WE NEED TO KNOW WHO OR WHY TODAY, not tomorrow! Be persistent but POLITE and PROFESSIONAl. If you know of a straight shooting politition in your locale then contact him/her or any other source who may help with your concerns about Comex etc.
We can win!