Starsearcher80 wrote: You see, this is why all of you Clowns fail. You think you can only have one stance, and you try and stick with that no matter what happens. So you dig yourself a hole, and then you double down, and the hole gets bigger, and then eventually you're too afraid to buy more, and the hole gets bigger, and then you say "well I can't sell now...I'll lose to much", but it drops more and the hole gets bigger. And then you argue that the market has it all wrong, and somehow you're right...and the hole gets bigger.
This has been the EXACT fate of all of the Clowns...too stubborn to see what is right in front of them becuase it doesn't fit their narrative. SO WHAT!!
If the reality of what is happening in the market is not fitting your narative, that would be a major prompt to re-evaluate your narrative!! It's NOT about being right Clowns. It's about seeing the narrative change and responding accordingly. That might mean selling. It might mean buying. But the key here is the narrative is completely flexible.
Ever hear the simple saying "keep an open mind"?? Just imagine the money you would have NOT lost had you done that. Was being close-minded worth it?? HELL NO. IT COST YOU DEARLY.
For myself, it is the change to the narrative that I look for. You can see it it the trades going through, if you're really good, and then exploit that change. You Clowns want to make a big deal that I didn't have a position in WEED so what was I doing here? There are all kinds of stocks that I don't have a position in, but I know the "flavour" of how the stocks trade, and I know the real-time narrative. And when I see that flavour and/or narrative change, then I'm immediately ready to change with it. It's not trying to make my stance in a given moment fit. It's seeing that the stance has changed with the data in front of me, and responding to it.
Now, I fully expect you Clowns just aren't bright enought to "get it". You're stuck thinking you have to be true to your beliefs. But for all of you, these beliefs were built on factors from a couple of years ago, and SO much has changed that for you to think they are somehow valid today is a massively sad joke.
This is why you're going to lose, time and time again, until you wash out. can change.
Cmc888 wrote:
the switch is starting lol. Time for ss80 to buy and be a cheerleader soon .