RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:A G Ma2bman wrote: Dirksidetrack wrote: a2bman, Oh ffs! Everybody knows that companies raise cash in only 3 ways. They either earn it, borrow it or sell shares. So why can't oyl earn it by selling interest in Corentyne? And why does it have to be a JV between other oil companies? Why not some arrangement between exporters of plantains from Venezuela and Colombia and exporters of noodles in China who have money saved in bitcoins?
You obviously didn't read the BIS Quarterly Report that I mentioned. There's trillions of dollars out there not sitting in bank or investment accounts. Yeah go on with your traditional funding mechanisms mind block. But the world has changed. Oyl finds oil, then this stock will soar. So the bet now is if they will find enough commercial oil on Wei? Maybe quit trashing Dfly. So the bet is really on whether oyl has got the talent to find and develop oil. I happen to know that they just drilled the most technically challenging well on the planet offshore Guyana. Yeah they can drill them and they got the best of the best in Mr. Durkee to develop them. As for the money? It's already there.
Ok so your going to do financings with bitcoin, your going to take payments in bitcoin LOL. Far to volotile. I dont need to read your article Ive done plenty of financings and would nenver take bitcoin