RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:A useful Global Perspective on energy and emissions Thanks for your very valuable input. To keep things focused on Peyto , more specifically , I will return to the starting point of this discussion. That to me must mean data and the interpretation of that data. Actually, it seems the data is fairly straight forward but as you and others have demonstated the interpretation is anything but straight forward.
Nevertheless, Yasch gave me a jolt and for that I need a sedative. well the only sedative I ever use is working through a situation. So for now , my sedative is this thought. It is going to take a long time for EV s to takeover the planet . the reason is relatively simple (I believe ) and that is the very long life span of both the automotive and truck rolling stock. So even if EV penetration becomes very high . we should all be very happy to continue to hold our petroleum investments which for the most part should pay themselves out in a very few years and long before petroleum can only be found in museum exhibits !!