RE:Difficult-to-value$-TLT...A little complementary note about Chemotherapy.
As claimed in this article Under Long-term effects...
Chemotherapy long-term effects could include...damage to the
-Reproductive organ
-There is also a chance of developing a second cancer as a results of the chemotherapy treatment itself.
Those are all frightening Long-term effects.
Chemotherapy did save many lives, but today cancer patients need to have access to cancer treatments with almost no side effects.
wildbird1 wrote: In a March 12,2022 interview DrMcFarland said " TLT patients have already failed other forms(with an s) of cancer therapy and their only option at this time is to have their bladder removed ".
For TLT cancer patients.
-Surgery doesn't work...
-BCG doesn't work...
-Chemotherapy & Radiotherapy doesn't work...
-Nothing works.
If TLT does negotiate a JV or a buyout deal with a Big Pharma, the selling points for TLT will be many.
1)TLT cancer treatment has a very high CR% (optimized patients).
2)TLT cancer treatment has almost no side effects.
3)TLT cancer treatment can cure patients that surgery couldn't cure.
4)TLT cancer treatment can cure patients that BCG couldn't cure.
5)TLT cancer treatment can cure patients that Chemotherapy & Radiotherapy couldn't cure.
6) TLT cancer treatment will be adapted to cure other cancers, GBM (Glio blastoma multiforme), NSCLC (Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer).
7)Cocid-19 Vaccine.
Because of all the above it is almost impossible to place a $ value on a Big Pharma JV or a Buyout deal.
But we can certainly say that it does augur very well in favor of TLT.
For now let the manipulation play the SP, just sit tight and wait for the next CR% report that will continue to be better and better, and will add more value$ to TLT.