Monthly newsletterWhat do you all think of Figure #2, Canadian Oil and Gas Industry re-investment?
It may well be down but I have to think there is a little growth in that chart PEY being a clear example.
Now the numbers may be wiped out by the larger companies really not doing much more to keep these numbers down.
Why invest in an industry where you are constantly chastized, and to not survive in 5 to 10 years and will not be helped at all, but only hindered from all fronts. Why would you want to put more money in??
All I hear out of the US is high gas prices, and recession coming soon to a theatre near you.
There is a very good likelyhood that oil and gas stocks may start to get affected similar to the others. But interest rates are not high like the late 1970's yet???
Also, if most can have little to no debt, extra cash, buy back shares and higher dividends while prices and demand remain high I have to be bullish for the next two to three years which may take us right through a recession and into another growth period.
I can't afford to miss out on further growth, and at the same time I can't afford to be left holding the bag of poorly perfoming stocks.
For our due diligence and risk taken I hope we all do well.