geodcan wrote: I did that. twice to get some more shares and I averaged up both times. Initially, I got in at the .035 range when it first ipo'd. I didn't sell when it hit the $2 range, although, in hindsight, I should have!
I still think Tinley has a good run left in it and with where this company is at right now, worth that $2 all day long, when they run it!
Unless there is an ulterior motive to tank it and pick up the spoils or take it private.
We are going to wind up with numbers for sales and revenues and we should be relatively debt free and also haven't diluted the shyt out of the sharefloat. That should translate to good numbers if the awards were valid and consumers like the products enough to buy them repeatedly.
Or a LP or MSO could be our acquisitor. If that is the case, I would like to see that offer after we get some good numbers.
Somebody is marketmaking us and management doesn't seem motivated to do anything to deal with that and that raises questions of "why"!
I want to believe in the integrity of our management but would like to see them more motivated in their respective grooves of being sales wizards. We don't need Rick running around the bottling facility when we could put a capable person in there to make production happen. He needs to be cold calling or working the phones to capitalize on his notoriety as a sales leader. Same for those other team leaders. They are wasting their talents if they are just coffee-klatching in the plant.
If there are legit offers and there should be, they will have to present them to shareholders to vote on.
I'm hoping for Canopy to take us out. It would round out the west coast to complement their heavy presence on the East coast. Cali is a great test-market and a big, well financed LP like Canopy will expand us to the most beneficial States. Or Acreage for their US footprint.
nervousinvestor wrote: Why would you not buy a bit more at these prices if your last purchase was $0.65? You can triple your share count with a fraction of the money.
geodcan wrote: compared to our 8000 shares on the CSE. Canopy's trade volume was 2x on the US exchange compared to Canada.
Smart American investors are doing their due diligence and the fact that we are on the SH buzzboards almost all the time with the big name LPs like Hexo who are leaning out but keeping their beverage capability. Tilray is also banking on beverages and Canopy has cbd beverages and Bio-Steel making their way to US shelves with full intentions of having Tweed and Quatro on US shelves through branding deals.
Tinley is on that most viewed/read list most of the time, so there is interest and hopefully some is spilling over to US investors who aren't waiting to own potstocks. There's been so many Canopy shares traded that Canopy may already be owned by Americans. I can only imagine what can happen for these stocks when they get some banking and borrowing straightened out for potpreneurs in the US.
I guess they feel safe to rely on State Law protection from Federal action. Canadian LPs and other non US interests do not feel safe but are proactively making inroads for doing US business on US soil through rto's and option agreements to be triggered when they deem Fed risk has been dealt with and there is some legislation or freetrade agreements to allow International competition.
Right now they have to puzzy foot around with these creative deals like Canopy has with Acreage and Tilray is just buying up a distillery and Sweetwater brewing for their intentions which include beverages.
Licensing and inspections by those responsible for watchdogging the potpreneurs takes a long time as Tinley shareholders know and getting things done in a timely fashion seems to be a problem with Covid affecting supply chains and such. .
That is why I think Tinley is in the crosshairs of some interested parties and may explain what I feel is a marketmaker holding our shareprice at these low levels.
The whole industry is out of favour and a lot of investors are taking a beating. I put pot up there with golds but investors are switching to normal accounting to paint the picture of their pot investments and the irrational exuberance pricing and overpaying for assets has been subdued.
There are lots of players, some say, too many and I concur with that plus there is still the blackmarket.
In Canada, there is so much supply of safe, inspected pot, free from molds, bugs and fentanyl that growers are writing it off. Supply and demand so keeping the prices up is tough for raw flower product and smokeable skus.
In my crystal ball I see value added edibles/drinkables will dominate consumer's choice but we need a level playing field with Beverage Alcohol. I'm not the only one that sees this scenario.
Constellation Brands, Tilray, Hexo, Molson Coors, AB Inbev, Heiny and more are getting their hooks in to be a part of the change so they don't lose marketshare to value added potpreneurs.
Tinley management had this same vision and moved towards building Tinley in the best test-market in the world, California.
It took time and caused frustration but Tinley has arrived with a going concern in California that is set up for the sales department to make their bones. Also expanded to Ontario Canada.
I went to my govt. pot store in BC and parted with $40 bucks for some infused beverages today and I would have bought Tinley's so I could give an honest report back to those that are interested in what our management has come up with.
I have reported on some of the competition which for the most part were terrible tasting and effect but I understand they are working on those problems. Or they could buy Tinley's lock, stock and barrel for recipes, IP and a State of the art bottling facility in California and some downstream action for the same in Canada through co-bottlers contracts.
I own a ton of Tinley's and haven't sold a share despite the tough grind it has been to get to this stage.
At these prices I think Tinley's is a bargain. My last purchase was at .65c and we are more ready now than we have ever been to start making some serious cash profit.
glta and dyodd