RE:RE:McMaster Presentation:"appears" "possible" "perhaps" "could have" "imagine" "exciting"
"Some time ago Gilles said PGX-YBG with cannabis would be "fantastic. It would be fantastic".
Should have read: Some time LONG ago.
What ever happened to the funcional food project and the touted "access to billion dollar markets"?????
AGM opening statement by Rourke:
A decision to host another virtual meeting is again driven by the corona virus pandemic.
but we assure you that we would much prefer to be back to the normal face to face meetings but one of the plus's to this type of meeting, is that it allows up to be more inclusive and reach a greater number of our shareholders. (why not do both?)
The entire world has re-opened. Virtual meeting due to the pandemic? Or out of caution for being roasted by shareholders for a faltering share price as profits and CEO pay increase?
Isn't Don out from the BOD? Bio still on the website! Communication breakdown?