This is why investors are holding (including myself). This is the reality of ScreenPro as of right now, their core business in Covid testing is successful. Covid testing is in high demand, not only in the community, but for Canadian travel as it is apart of travel restrictions that have been extended and contiune to be extended. Covid testing in the film/production industry will always be in high demand as the health and wellness of their paid actors is an asset, the film industry is willing to pay. ScreenPro has made a prominent name in the Covid testing game within Canada with film industries alone with increased Covid testing every month. In their latest new releases, they provided updates on their other business verticals in an effort to diversify, expand and improve (they see things within the business need to be worked on) which will create an overall trend of improved value.
With this information, i can see major potential but work does need to be implemented to improve the current business model. Management noting that changes and improvements are underway is a good sign in the right direction. I am holding since this company is headed in the health and wellness niche, a very profitable market indeed.