About East Pepper - B4 end of SeptFOr you my friend GB!
Part of the delay in developing East Pepper has been the monitoring of the West Pepper well. We wanted to make sure the well would perform as we predicted. The West Pepper well, which came on mid-December 2021, has performed as per our forecasts.
The tie-in for East Pepper process is continuing. We are working with a local operator to tie into their facility and pipeline infrastructure. We have forwarded riser diagrams and other technical information that they have required. We hope to hear from them shortly regarding a gathering and processing fee contract. Once that is in hand we can complete the economics and begin Indigenous consultation and regulatory approval. Once the consultation and regulatory approval is complete the actual work require is projected to only take 2 weeks to complete.
At this time our forecasts have the East Pepper well tied in during Q3.