Not convinced PAT are in the game The Evlv team and backing is substantially amd measurably different than PAT. Sales team engagement IE former police, Motorola and Johnson Controls partnering proves a true engaging sales model building key momentum.
Lowered Pat substantially and saddled up with a nice position in Evlv. IMO I foresee the next evlv earnings call(s) over the course of the year + will be significant as those seeds germinate and grow into sales.
Evlv,s insider track is also a critical measure of positioning and future success. Citing the NYC news a couple days ago they know wtf they are doing. All of which should weigh in heavily in promoting future sales and deployments. Website to clearly shows momentum building based on trusted partners IMO they have a distintive edge over PAT
Also evaluating Twitter pages for both CO's Evlv has a substantial edge. + Marketing measurably different positions out there
Not completely out of PAT however until some something substantial occurs IE sales $$$ momentum until now very disappointing. . IMO I see a much higher growth curve and model will come from Evlv only wish I would have entered earlier @ 1.77 / share
Good wknd all