quick calculation for reality checkIMHO using holes 21 -25 ( 5 holes) it is fair to say that an area of drilling has delineated a block of ore in the ground with the following parameters:
strike length = 200m
width = 200m
depth = 225m ( from surface)
average grade = 1.10 g/t (including minor intervals of high grade)
Therefore by simple volumetrics: 200x200x225x2.73(rock density) =tonnes x1.10g/t ( average grade)
= 898,000 ounces of gold in the ground to date !!! This area equates only to approx. 7% of the entire proposed drill program.This is an amazing beginning and one can easily assume that this current deposit will likely become much much larger as drilling proceeds this summer. IMHO , SIG is an easy 10 bagger - get in while it is still cheap or before it gets taken out by a larger entity - this will certainly occur if new drill hole intersections continue as the first 5 holes!
Fabulous story to watch for the summer. THIS IS REAL!