RE:@whisky11 after 65 days of using CELLF Yesterday you claimed that cellf makes you taller and will regrow your hair; any other lies you'd like to share?
whisky11 wrote: I noticed my skin becomes smooth and hydrated. Especially face and top of my hands.
Got got to go to bed one hour earlier and wake up at 5 AMthat's good. People around me start noticing that I look healthier and stronger.
I have nice feelings, like being healthy, happy and calm.
ps. Scratches and small cuts on my skin heals itself overnight, no medicated cream peroxide or iodine needed. Red blemishes on my face disappeared but I have to wait with statement that CELLF fix rosacea a chronic inflammatory skin condition that causes facial redness on the nose and cheeks. when you Google it it says that those flareups may come back I will see another couple months if it's gone for good.