Over deep endthis is Not good, people should of realize interest would go up one day and inflation would return with high energy cost. It's very very difficult to make a profit from a business adventure very difficult, and when a company cannot make debt it's even more difficult. I was over in a company ATP, and no one in the company could explain how the company could make a $, some shareholders wanted to use the power to mine crypto that's how bad it got, they actually were burning old rail way ties to make hydro, a company has to have some common sense when it comes to financial abilities. The other part to this if you make a play and miss the boat on departure you can only blame yourself and you can't sit there and beat yourself up cause you only have yourself to blame, and you hope you can go heavy into a WOW type scenario and totally get to redeem yourself and right after that deal goes thru, even worried would it actually go thru and it did, then all the bad news and you can kind of sit back and say WOW I did it, now what? Go fish? How many bought DYA.WT? I'm going to relax a bit until this gets its self sorted out, and thank the people over at WOW for everything imo