The Two Chrises Chris Pettman, Chief Geologist (Rio Tinto) for overseeing development at the Casino Project, has left as of the end of May after 19 years at Rio Tinto. Believe he may be getting involved in an exploration company in Wyoming, North Dakota, or some place like that. Not sure. Meanwhile, Chris Welton is assuming his duties until a substitute for Pettman can be found. Pettman is a digging in the dirt real geologist while Welton is more corporate. Welton's main job is handling the Kennecott mine in the states. Not sure what all this means. Obviously, Rio has people up at the Casino site, but their chief is not there. Not sure if this has any bearing on how things are developing between the two companies. Just an observation. Rio has sure been losing a lot of quality people these days. Paul really got along with Chris P. Too bad he is not up there.