We are all still here on the free speech board because we did DD and saw something in Sproutly. Results speak for themselves. So does a 2 cent stock price.
Blizzy and the the happily deluded on his Discord board preach patience, since there isn't anything else to talk about. After 3 years of missed goals, zig zag direction, delays and disappointments, if you have something to tell us besides "hang in there", then please do.
I have other penny stocks that actually behave like a company, put out press releases, updates, and meet their goals. If you take someone's money, the least you can do is tell them what you're doing with it. If the communication strategy of a company is to tell a privileged few nothing but "hang in there", and leave the rest in the dark, then they deserve the "negativity" ("truth" here and in the rest of the real world except Blizzy's world) and I'm glad that we are free to express our opinions here.
It would be great if there were positive developments and the stock price started moving up. I have nothting that tells me this will happen. KCI, great. A good proof point but not material to Sproutly stock price.