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Sonoro Gold Corp V.SGO

Alternate Symbol(s):  SMOFF

Sonoro Gold Corp is a Canada-based exploration and development company. The Company is engaged in holding the development- stage Cerro Caliche project and the exploration-stage San Marcial project in Sonora State, Mexico. The Cerro Caliche Project is located in the Cucurpe Municipality of Sonora State in northwestern Mexico and is comprised of 15 contiguous mining concessions covering a total area of 1,350.10 hectares (ha). The San Marcial Project is located in the Santa Ana Municipality of Sonora State in northwestern Mexico and is comprised of four contiguous mining concessions held by the Company’s wholly owned Mexican subsidiary Minera Breco, S.A. de C.V. (Breco). The 1,015.80-ha project is situated at the southern end of the prolific Sonora-Mojave Megashear, a regional scale structural system measuring approximately 50 kilometers in width and 500 kilometers in length.

TSXV:SGO - Post by User

Post by partystockeron Jun 19, 2022 6:26pm
Post# 34767826

Watch for updated resource estimates from $SGO.v

Watch for updated resource estimates from $SGO.v

Sonor Gold’s (TSXV: SGO) 7200-meter drill campaign at the Cerro Caliche project has officially been completed, and the results have expanded several known mineralized gold zones. 

Specifically, hole SCR-321 intercepted 15.24m averaging 1.336 grams per ton (g/t) of gold, including 4.57m averaging 3.657 g/t gold. Hole SCR-322 intercepted 18.29m averaging 0.785 g/t gold; including 1.52m averaging 4.88 g/t gold.

Results from the Phase 4 campaign will be included in an updated resource estimate, which the company said it expects to release in the fall. The economic impact of the updated resource on the proposed heap leach mining operation will also be assessed and contemplated in a subsequent technical report.

A lot of big news to watch for Sonoro now that drilling has been completed, and I am very excited about it. 

$SGO.v is currently trading at $.14, valued at $16.7 million.

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