$ELMT CEO on TheJayMartinShow Woulld definitely recommend checking out this video with Element Nutritional Sciences ($ELMT.c $ELNSF) CEO Stuart Lowther and Jay Martin, discussing $ELMT's recent growth and listings:
$ELMT has been experiencing significant growth, with Q1 2022 sales hitting 2.1M & almost surpassing sales for the entire 2021 year which were 2.5m, a YoY quarter increase of 467% which can be attributed to reorders and landing big mass-market retailers.
Lowther highlights the significance of reorders as they show that products are moving off the shelf on a consistent daily basis, generating revenue for both $ELMT and the retailers which in turn makes it easier to get additional products on their shelves.
The interview additionally covers $ELMT's Rejuvenate Muscle Activator has since completed its pilot production and is expected to be on shelves by Q3 of this year! Plus, $ELMT has a 3-year pipeline of products with 5 additional categories for Rejuvenate.
Given $ELMT is set to continue on it's current growth path and is on track to hit a target run rate of 10M, it's got tons of potential IMO