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Lifeist Wellness Inc V.LFST

Alternate Symbol(s):  LFSWF

Lifeist Wellness Inc. is a Canada-based health-tech company. The Company leverages advancements in science and technology to develop innovative products to support human wellness and transform lives. The Company's key asset is its United States biosciences subsidiary Mikra Cellular Sciences Inc. (Mikra), a biosciences and consumer wellness company focused on developing and selling products. Mikra's products consists of Focus, Protect, Serenity, and CELLF.

TSXV:LFST - Post by User

Comment by randomtaskon Jun 22, 2022 9:25am
Post# 34773448

RE:RE:RE:One order multiple subscriptions. Cheaper that way

RE:RE:RE:One order multiple subscriptions. Cheaper that way

Yet they're struggling to get batch 3 sold... only moved from 31% sold to 32% sold in two weeks... if they don't sell it out you won't be getting your order in July lol 

whisky11 wrote: whisky11: more nonsense from randomtask, they get paid by number of   subscriptions  One order can carry unlimited number of subscriptions.

randomtask wrote:

Do they have to pre sell the entire batch before they ship?  1300 orders in 3 months?  I honestly can't believe they failed this bad... I knew it would fail but not right out of the gate... ouch :)



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