RE:PDACPDAC as of yet is a complete bust for us.
That is not to say we do not know what happened in the backdoors......yet....
The thing is when you have the most spectacular drill core exhibited with most of the
key people in attendance we have heard nothing.
Other years with other companies I have witnessed stellar articles written in the press,
brokerage house recommends up the ying yang, all kinds of news on so many levels,
and by now guys on SH sharing their revelations.
Crickets are chirping and the true silence is deafening.
Do we live in China where no one is allowed to spill the beans or at least drop a few
kernals? '
This is the most spectacular find in Canada in some time and may very well become
the best in the world of all time.
If I lived in Newfound & Labrador I would feel very slighted and be demanding more
transparency and call some out as being somewhat prejuidicial. WTF IKE