RE:RE:New Press Release - Theralase Expands Intellectual Property PortfolioArkady Mandel, M.D., Ph.D., D.Sc., Interim Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”) and Chief Scientific Officer (“CSO”), Theralase® stated that, “This patent is strategic to opening up new international opportunities for Theralase® by expanding its IP portfolio of medical laser and oncology focused technologies internationally. Theralase®’s long-term strategy is to commercialize the Anti-Cancer Therapy (“ACT”) technology commencing with NMIBC and expanding into Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (“NSCLC”), Glioblastoma Multiforme (“GBM”) and other various cancer indications to provide a safe, effective, and rapid alternative treatment option for patients inflicted with these deadly diseases. The ability to provide personalized treatment for cancer patients to “hunt and destroy” their cancer and prevent its recurrence and progression, all in a single or dual treatment, remains at the forefront of our research and development objectives”.
I can well imagine that big pharma are salivating on the sidelines.