Skagway on borrowed time... geeshPlease post article on borrowed time for port useage or more info.
Like Axu doesn't have enough issues right now.
If what is being posted is correct then Axu has a problem bigger than the current list. Stock piling concentrate may be done short term but it needs to be shipped within a reasonable time frame to get paid.
I don't have inside Axu info but I would say no cheque until the silver is smelted.
Skagway has a large interest in shipping and using the port utilization. The port was a difficult build and one of its uses is industrial/mine shipping and was set up to accomodate all types of shipping. There was a enviromental issue with a resulting cleanup (cleaned up now) from the Faro mine and others. It is also regonized as a large generator of revenue.
Hanes the idilic little town it is has no great interest in massive trucks rolling into town and offloading, its a like fishing and tourist type town. Lots of ppl go there for r&r and tourism. Even if Axu got serious about setting that up it would not be over night and could be problematic long term say 10 years. There is a plan for a port expansion but that won't happen overnight.
Stewart, long land haulage and sort of the same issues as Haines, except it does have port a bit more freindly. One thing for sure agreements with road and port useage require time to get in place and I have not seen anywhere that Axu is thinking they need another route.
So just curious why you posted this at this point in time?