Why Split Now, vs When It Was at the TopCan you say, intentional move to suck in many more retail investors. Institutional investors don't care what the price per share is and they have already voted by bailing out of this company in droves. Now that it has dropped from 3000 to 400, why would you split now, on a stock that pays no dividend, to make the stock more affordable? If you fell for "all stock splits" climb in value, you don't know and haven't studied the history of over valued companies. There is a big difference between CIBC spliting 2 for one and these companies. This stock is headed to 150 pre split and 15 post split becasue a 220 PE is just stupid, always was, not to mention the previous PE of 700. If the Canadian wunderkin follows the previous Canadian stars like Nortel and Blackberry, zero may also be in its futture.