Irony at its finest!The absolute irony here biz is in a couple months PADCOMs team will be flowing brine and testing their production wells in hopes of becoming the first ever breakthrough Horizontal Selective Solution mine of its kind in the world, while at the same time previous Karnalyte directors and execs will be answering lawyer’s questions for their part in events that took place in 2018, which directly submarined the chances of the same PADCOM operator building that worlds first selective solution potash mine in Wynyard instead of 4 years later in Manitoba, and as a direct result has since cost shareholders millions of dollars in legal costs fighting those who tried to bring that once in a lifetime opportunity to Karnalyte and its shareholders.
Lots of buzz being generated at the exciting possibilities, and it could just as easily have been Karnalytes shareholders along for the ride on that exciting journey. 50% of the board at that time were ready to enjoy the ride creating value for the rest of us, so what happened?
I guess we will all find that out very soon in a couple months time.................