RE:RE:Valuation & NCIBVG, you should let go of this comparing Quarterhill with Rekor. In terms of performance they are in totally different worlds.
In Q1 Rekor had revenue of $3.6 million and an operating loss of $12.6 million. And I can't see why there should be any significant seasonal variation in their quarterly results. Plus they only had some $14 and a bit million in cash at the end of Q1. It looks to me like it's reliably on its way to zero.
Quarterhill, on the other hand, had Q1 ITS revenue of $37.8 million in revenue and an operating loss of $3.4 million. It's always been IRD's seasonally weakest quarter, plus they mentioned on the Q1 CC that some IRD revenues had been bumped to Q2, plus ETC was absorbing implementation costs on big new projects.
These are completely different worlds. If you want to buy puts on Rekor and sing songs about how it's going to zero, I'm 100% with you. But it really has nothing to do with the viability of the ITS industry or Quarterhill.