New Information from Discord
I had been wondering who DM actually bought the EV business from. Initially it seemed it was from a new company (EV Connect Solutions - owned by 3 youngsters). The initial connection to EVAR seemed somewhat removed. EVAR seemed to have some cool equipment in Korea and we had a contract to seek it out and sell it in Canada. Today MG mentioned EVAR several times and implied they might be somewhat connected to EV Connect Solutions. It was implied that it was EVAR who had no use for our money and wanted shares. It wasn't that EVAR just agreed to supply equipment but instead sought out a company of their choice to launch their product in Canada. Marshall mentioned both Hyundai and Kia as well as others and connected the car company roadside assistance programs to discussions with DMEVS. - That would be the key to the subscription revenue that would represent a steady income. Also in this discord MG made it clear that we were not just throwing our Medi-Call hat in the ring to compete with others for market share but instead confirmed this is partly for non- residents working here that requested the service ( movie industry!). Previously this was mostly speculation but is now confirmed. MG confirmed that they will accept personal payment, government health plan payment and Insurance company payment. By that he has defined a broad market approach. This Discord layed out the big picture reasons for me to remain a long hold shareholder. Those requiring specific numbers and immediate AI revenue will remain disappointed unless they sell now and regret it later