The drosrite contract was an NDA
for the longest time before we learned the name which was Radian from Saudi Arabia ( A very well connected Corp)...the 3 Pfas water purification systems were sold for $9mm each and we don't know who bought them , but we have the contract. Funny how the bashers aren't talking about these cash NDA's ??..who bought the medical waste disposal system ??.. More money in the bank ka ching $$$. The talking turds are hammering all the stock BB's ..trying hard to grind the little investor even during hard usual !.. PYR & HPQ have at least a dozen markets to revoluonize and conquer...with 21st century plasma technologies ....33% of the float is being shorted , but not for our benefit of course....A big $ dollar NR would be to our benefit ....Friday would be nice !..... uncleron is always right !..cheers