Accountpice, there is no right of passage to post here.
Having no shares does not disqualify someone from posting anywhere. Otherwise, this board would be exclusively occupied by pumpers like you. Similarly, you don't have to be a politician to comment on politics on social media. Your premise is nuts. If you are just interested in hearing hopeful opinions, than you are not seaking the truth or you want to make it look like your "skin in the game" is a sure thing to potiential investors. Well it is not, as the story of this stock has proven many more times than the opposite.
There is also no such thing as a "real investor". It is not like you are not hoping to sell some or all of your shares once you think it's time for you to get out.
EDT posters are not members of a club that need to adhere to your fantasy rules.
Stop being a baby.
You wouldn't be this frustrated about "negative" posts if you were that happy about how things are going with your Spectral investment.
And you seem to be going along very weil with all the frauds here, most lately Gorf79, who is none other than JustChickenIn, a poster that has announced the company does not exist anymore and keeps posting without any retraction or explanation as to how this false information was passed on to him. His opinion should not count anymore. He is just trying to influence investors.