RE:Zombie companies are tettering on the brink of bankruptcy Hahahahaha.. Mommy was correct when she called you special.
At least you pumping is humorous...
Uncleron wrote:
50+% in some states and higher in others....thousands of white collar workers are losing their jobs...Investors are searching frantically for safe investments...Companies like Pyrogenesis and HPQ are going to attract these investors in droves....The last 2 years showed that Pyrogenesis did thrive in spite of the turmoil we saw in the world's markets .....Investors are looking for a company with real nut's and boat's, not wannabee concept pie in the sky social media junk offerings that are drowning in debt.....the next good NR will start the migration to Pyrogenesis....Winners are tough to find...We have one $$$.....uncleron is always right !..cheers