RE:On Russian interference everywhereBlame the share price on the Russians Lmao he's lost the room and mind
Yasch22 wrote: Calgary, I'm not sure you actually read what I wrote about Putin. I made several charges. Some are provable, but where they're not, they remain (in my view only) highly probable.
(a) Putin's troll army does whatever it can to promote Russian interests. Russia first and foremost wants a divided & fractious EU and Five Eyes. Canada is a minor player in the bigger picture, but every minor player is fair game to the Kremlin, as every little chip in the armour of the EU and NATO means a greater likelihood that these unions will fall apart.
-- I remain convinced that a huge amount of the sh**-disturbing we see on our social media feeds in Canada comes from the usual Russian suspects. Lol, there may even be 2 or 3 who drop in on lowly Stockhouse on a semi-regular basis, especially at election time -- or at Convoy time. Once in a blue moon they mumble something about BlackBerry, pretending to be investors. They even have the gall to demand more talk about BB whenever a discussion turns against Trump or Putin, or in favour of anyone in the centre, like Trudeau.
Sidenote: a person acting in service of the army is just as likely to be a "fellow traveller" than a conscript or paid hack. You have to wonder, though. Who in their right soul could support Putin's invasion of Ukraine?
(b) Putin wanted Trump in power both in 2016 and 2020. Putin pretty clearly has "kompromat" on Trump, so he's manipulatable. Every intelligence agency in the world now knows what Putin did leading up to 2016, and every one of them is working to put the brakes on something similar happening in their own country.
(c) Putin has also been doing everything in his power to disrupt politics in the EU. Every intelligence agency and policy analyst in the world actively discusses the troll army's effect on the Brexit campaign, and more recently on the Presidential election in France, where Putin favoured LePen over the winner, Macron.
With Putin's idiotic invasion of Ukraine, the gig is up. Twenty years of work by all the psy-ops teams and troll armies (mostly) is going up in smoke.