RE:Lame lame vinnyHA! HA! HA! On The Path to Stupidity. Isn't it you who constantly repeats himself??
Are you ashamed that I keep repeating the lies you say. How imature you are with your gay comments. They say that people who constantly say rubbish things like girdles and cut it off is because you have done this before. No one makes stuff like this up unless they have experience. You can come out now as it is now accepted by most. What can you do? You are what you are. You contiually say I am an Angry penny Stock Loser but as I recall and mentioned it many times and will continue to do so that your the real loser here. $ 20,000.00 What an idiot this is a penny stock no one is that dumb. I bet when you bought this stock you had grandeur dreams of that Big RAM and RED CORVETTE. You know what I am saying. There you go, did I change it up enough for you?? Loser!!!