Okay Smarty Pants On The Path, Let's just say you were the director of a Company and you were negotiating for equipment such as Miners for example. The Price you were quote less than a month ago are now selling for half the price. Would you wait till you see what is going on with the market or would you go ahead and purchase these Miners for original price. Note there is no written contract.
Also Note in every news release there are disclosures that protect Company's from any one like you who bash them or even report them to SEC and threaten Class Action Suits. Is this not what you have done? Your out of touch with reality. You lost $ 20,000.00 you say. So did others lose or just poor you.You also said you predicted this 3 cents SP. Do you think we believe you? You lost remember so why did you not take your own advise? Speaks Volumes does it not?
You see hindsight is 20-20. 

Definition in case your not quite getting what I mean.
The idiomatic and proverbial expression hindsight is 20/20 is used to convey the understanding one has about an event or situation only after it has occurred. In other words, it expresses the full clarity we’re able to have about a past decision or action, clarity we can’t have before a choice is made.
Do you believe you can predict the Future? Do you believe Companies can predict the future?

Stop your Complaning, your like a child. Grow up!! Only Thing you should be doing is deciding which condiment to put on your hat before you eat it. 

I think your getting the point here. That is why I say you are no a Business man.