Reality CheckDear Friends
After being involved in this Corporation that only rewards the CEO, I have to admit, it's been painful.
This has all occurred due to Corporate Bylaws that give the executive voting powers over a large block of shares and we also have a poison pill that mitigates potential take over offers.
One impact of all these corporate actions is a share price of $.08 on a fair value of $.43 a share.
We have 2 people that are in same boat as us and would greatly profit from increased share price and a new corporate structure..
Dato Sia Hok Kiang with 55 million shares and Jean-Edgar de Trentinan with 10 million shares.
They have skin in the game and our CEO and Chairman do not.
Our Chairman needs to retire or be voted out.
Our CEO needs to purchase 10 million shares or be reassigned back to the position CFO.
A new CEO and Chairman are required, and a vote on abolishing some of the draconian corporate bylaws.
Something is going to occur, the GONG Show went a Road Show, really, you want to talk, we want actions that have our executive with more skin in the game in lieu of lucrative pay packages.
Dato Sia and Jean-Edgar have the knowledge and the financial incentive to make things happen. They have skin in the game and soon we will see increased cash flows and profits and I'm betting they want the shares to greatly increase in value.
As shareholders we need to support these 2 directors that are the major shareholders to this corporation.
We want these draconian's bylaws cancelled, a new Chairman and CEO, a TSX listing and down the road a merger with Westgold.
With our support they can remedy this Gung Show.
It's time to buy shares, as new beginnings will soon be with us.