RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Bombardier A diffrence B est de 5.00$I get it Club.
But Martel is just another PUPPET.
EM is smart, and surounded himself with BartD as well. and the company is heading in the right direction. So his job is secure. But the guy who's making the decisions on heavy Financial things that affect the Families fortune, and even EM's job is still "The idiot Heir". Who knows who voted for this or against the R/S. I recall it was 75% of the sharholders that agreed to it. Maybe EM voted against it? We both knew that the timing for the R/S was not right. What happens in those Bomber shareholders meetings in Montreal, no one knows. This was PB's final stupidity IMHO. He can't f#$@% up anymore that what he's already done.
He is Gullible and a RETARD,. The only thing that's left for the Family to do is get rid of him. Even Johnney here will tell how dumb this guy PB is.
We can rehash this over and over all we want. It's called insanity, because all the roads we discuss lead back to this Retard. But the honest truth, that I believe in right now is, what I said early in May/June about the R/S.
"They should wait till at least another year before they do the R/S". At least till Aug. 2023 after the Q2/2023. That's why I kept asking? What's the hurry?? Well the delisting fear was the hurry. They thought that they could buy the time they needed to get Institutional investment in whithout the worry of the Delisting till 2023.It's a good thing that these Quarters from now on are all going to show great EBITDA's. Otherwise the only trading we would have seen from now till Aug./2023 would be Short Trading..
I still feel that the Institutions will start to come in. But they want to come in, at the lowest SP possible. Nothing is changed with these Institutions. They are bottom feeders, and they will take advantage of the SP of the B's as long as they can. When those Institutions have milked the remaining B shareholders at their leasure, then they'll start to take the SP up at their convenience. That won't be till at least Aug/22. So collect all the Shares you can at the cheapest SP possible. Just so that you can be in a good position when the SP climb starts. The A's don't have this kind of preasure. The families control is the reason for that.
clubhouse19 wrote: 859
This happened on martel's watch nobody elses. Only by reading the minutes of the boards meetings will you get the true story ...nevertheless, Martel is in charge.
BBDB859 wrote: This R/S, would not be a decision that EM would make. It's too important for a CEO to make.This smells like PB all the way. Only he is this
Gullible. Wnen it comes to stupid Financial decisions PB takes FIRST PRIZE. Anyone who gives 50.01% of a $6B program away for $1, and then to boot, gives the Freeloader (Airbus) control of the JV, then signs in the JV Agreement to participatein to more costs at the whim of Airbus's control, is not just stupid.
He's a RETARD. Surounded by retarded Lawyers & Advisors. I said that, when all these things happened in 2018, but I didn't take my losses, and go. I fell for the coolaid that Airbus will be the saviour. Sure enough, the SP started to climb to $5.58. But then the Retard, started to reap what he sowed with the JV in Airbus's hand, and the SP started to tumble. It was too late by the time I realized that this guy (PB) was lying on top of everything by cooking the books. That's why I say that there is no place for him to hide his wrong doing to the shareholders here. After all there is still some responsibilty to the Shareholders even though they have the Dual Share structure.
We have no choice here Flamingo. We have but to weather the storm of the R/S too. I'm pissed too.
flamingogold wrote: You mean even worse than giving away the C-Series for nothing? If so, it goes to show how many stupid moves this company continues to make.
clubhouse19 wrote: You don't need sellers if you have very active shorters.
IMO the timing of the RS has to be Bombardier's worst decision Bombardier's worst decision of Eric martel since he took charge.
He must of been taken for a ride on this one by some so called market guru analist ( pun intended)
Makes for more trading while anyone who bought into the made up positives of this move is seeing the results...even worse than I thought it would be