Phase 1a was not designed to prove efficacy !!! How many times do you need to be told to undetstand that????
Phase 1b designed to prove efficacy is barely 2 months old and patients are being recruited !Seeing confirmed efficacy in such a short time is nearly impossible unless a miracle happened with the handful of patients carried over from Phase 1 a ...
Why are you invested in a sector that you know nothing about? Biotechs enter clinical trials in humans because they think there is a chance of success but anyone investing based on early stage clinical trial should know that the odds of failure are much greater than odds of success but the reward in case of success can be astronomical....Investing in part in R&D is for grown men not for cry babies
The company will update this week based on facts !Anyone here pretending to know what the outcome will be has a 50% chance of being right or wrong
If your investment thesis is just based on Th1902 then be prepared to live with the outcome especially if it turns out to be a dudd!
realitycheck4u wrote:
Let's recall
Theratechnologies announced on January 7, 2021 that it had received a “Study May Proceed” letter from the FDA for the Phase 1 clinical trial of TH1902.
Then 3 ½ months later they announced they dosed their first patient. Now, almost 1.5 years later, we still know the same thing we did in January 7, 2021. Maybe that's normal for new drug trials. But it's got to be (overdue or time) that you throw the market a bone and be crystal clear about any delay's, what they were, why they occured, what's looking good, what's unkn own, why they are upbeat, or not...and next steps. Do they actually know how to do that?
Trogarzon wrote: I feel like the financing is coming and that I will be sacrificed again for the breather good of science and humanity and the new th investors. I feel I still own this company and that I should try to dictate what happens with it. Hope some big shareholders feels the same and start making the moves that will open a way out for our investment dollars.