RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Midtown please forward this to PYR MGT re:these bashers Zaph I'm not saying he can't ask questions but when your post history is that of zaphods I doubt anyone who can answer such questions is going to take him seriously and therefore he will be dismissed.
I would like updates too but crying about it on the stock board (especially when most if not all of your posts are bashing pyro) is not going to bring answers any quicker. All that does is create panic amongst shareholders, unless of course that is what you're hoping for? Haha...
Also I have no political standpoint as the line of business I am in remains mostly unaffected by politics, therefore I don't care what side wins. I like how you baffoons just keep spewing non factual nonsense and believe it to be true. Haha delusional much?
Dustit2removeit wrote: Shut up and leave. he can ask any question he wants, that is not bashing. something is wrong with you if you think he cant ask what he feels are important questions. you are a pump and after reading the last head in the sand post also a liberal cuck, go away loser. PYR needs to answer a lot of questions so some of these investors and decide what they want to do.