ENTG Expands Primary Credit Facility with BMO Two More YearsFor those not aware, Entourage has extended and improved it's primary credit facility with Bank of Montreal for two more years, furthering it's relationship with one of Canada's most prestigious and established financial institutions.
It also has extended it's agreements with secondary lenders beyond two years, with the flexibility to pay only interest at the discretion of Entourage.
Add to that revenues soaring every quarter (now more than 60 million dollars over the past 4 quarters), and they are firmly positioned to implement the entirety of their extraordinariy multifaceted strategy in the recreational and medical markets; as well as furthering their synergies with Boston Beer, Mary's Medicinals, Fire and Flower, and much more.
ENTG Revenues should exceed expenses by the autumn as the growth and expansion phase winds down, and the revenues from expanded production tiers soar.
Simply a stellar opportunity here.