RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Waste of timeWrong again Alex, the price may be low due to lack of response from gslr and all the misleading propaganda and outright lies that you and your ilk have been spouting for years, but, it is a double edged blade, and creates a perfect oportunity to buy in! Now a small word about protocol,; your big on that at the moment so tell us where is the required permitto, and the response from CPTAQ that your esteemed buddyMr. Le Gris didn't submit to CPTAQ as required for the failed lookout structure he started to build over Calumet Falls and collapsed the whole bloody river bank into the river, where is the building permit it is reported he didn't obtain before he stared to build and where is the required Engineering study that was needed to certify the safety of the structure.? Just imagine Alex the outcome if Le Gris actually finished that lookout without the safety review and it was loaded with his guests when it collapsed. Just imagine Alex how much poor little gslr would have to pay in court fees, fines, death suites for lack of protocol and lack of municiple oversight that allowed it to happen, and now,since the town planner shut him down and stopped the project which really put him in a spot of trouble and his way out was to finesse the whole lot of you into a vendetta against Saywell because Le Gris blamed him and sought to have the mine challanged as the only weapon he could find to oust Saywell and the whole lot of you drank the Cool Aid liaced with lies , extreme photgraphs and missinformation of impending disaster. and which you all applauded! You think the greater powers that be, are going to slap down little CCB; well better stop smoking rope and think. MERN "grandfathered all the CCB claims as "active"; after the gslr illigitimate letter to CPTAQ with the filing of the PEA we obtained an economic reserve of world class ore; the metallurgy was proved up by SGS with 99% nuclear grade at the flotation level and with standard thermal treatment obtained 99.9875 purity and is now the ASTM standard for all nuclear natural graphite materials and CCB delivered 50,000 grams of that class of material to the UK standards company $ 5 dollars US a gram Alex. Do you know how small a gram is Alex ? Probably not , might be too tecchnical for yot! Not to worry though, because we are also looking grahite billes for the new SMRs coming on stream, anand one of the first will be at Darlington Station where the site is being readied fot the first in Ontario and coming on stream in a couple of years. That graphite must, by protocol; you will appreciate that word Alex cause we know you looked it up; anyway the BAM 90 grade of synthetic sells well over $32,000 US per ton after thermal treatment, thats 43,00.00 Canadian Alex, anyway back to the PROTOCOL, the synthetic which is made from scrap graphite and coke from oily refinery bottoms in petrollium, costs 30,000.00 to cook but the kicker Alex, is that no matter how much synthetic graphite there is, the PROTOCOL requires 64% NATURAL GRAPHITE OF 99.9+ purity in the nuclear matrix. There is only one area in North America at present that can consistantly make that grade before thermal treatment and that is at Miller. COMPUTE THAT ALEX! We are looking at over 60,000.00 US per metric ton and our extraction forcast was for 1,500 tons of finished per year for the next 18 years! I'll leave it to you to read back through CCB's releases as to how many tons are sitting under your rump! And then Alex after the disaterous meeting with CPTAQ that gslr demanded and the went to Court to stop it, but the Court ruled you out, and after the meeting CPTAQ rebufufed gslr saying there was nothing new or of interest,and pay your own bills; CPTAQ then resummed CCB's file saying they would expidite the file and granted CCB two years more to complete the pit extents, in case the ore body was more extensive, and within daysof that, MERN moved CCB from Exploration to a " Project in Development"! Sincerely; Robert J. Rice P. Eng. Mining, Metallurgy, and Environmental.